
احبابي في الله..ربما اهتم منذ فترة بفتح موضوع قد لا يدرك البعض اهميته الحالية وتداخله فيما نتعرض له في دولنا العربية بصور لا يتخيل غالبيتكم انها مصنعة.. من سيطرات عقلية عن بعد واستخدام الدمج بين التقنيات والعلوم العضوية.. ولعل احد أمثلة ذلك مثلا هو ما شاهدناه من مهاجمة اسماك القرش لسواحل اماكن سياحية في البحر الأحمر وسيناء على فترات متقاربة..ولا ينتبه احد ان هذا من أحد نتائج تجارب قائمة بالفعل.. فما تناولناه بخصوص مشاريع السيبورج يتم أيضا على كثير من الحيوانات بالإضافة للإنسان.. ومنها أسماك القرش السايبورج..وكان أحد المشاريع سيئة السمعة لوكالة داربا... فقد اتخذت DARPA منذ سنوات صفحة أخرى من كتاب الخيال العلمي لوليام جيبسون من خلال زرع جدائل عصبية لتمكين المهندسين من معالجة إشارات الدماغ لسمك القرش والتحكم به عن بعد... وبالنظر إلى أن أسماك القرش لديها حواس تفوق البشر (مثل القدرة على الشعور بدقة بالمجالات الكهرومغناطيسية) يمكن ذلك أن يفتح المجال لبعض الاستخدامات المثيرة للاهتمام...
ومشروع التحكم عن بعد في اسماك القرش السايبورج المسمى Shark Cyborgs On DARPA Remote control يتكون من زرع شريحة متعددة القنوات لقراءة والتحكم في الجهاز العصبي وامكانية توجيهه والتحفيز والتشجيع والاثارة، ويشمل أجهزة تحكم مختلفة وأجهزة استشعار... وبالإضافة إلى ذلك، اضاف الباحثون من DARPA استخدام القرش لكشف وفك أنماط من المعلومات الهامة داخل الماء مثل الاستشعار عن تيار المحيط، او وجود هياكل عسكرية والتقاطها او رائحة معينة في الماء أو مجال كهربائي... وحتى التدريب لتعقب سفن العدو أو الغواصات، أو للكشف عن الألغام تحت الماء أو الكابلات!!!!
وهذه التجارب تنفذ بالفعل على ارض الواقع من عام 2006 حيث تم عرض النتائج البحثية في مؤتمر العلوم في هونولولو هاواي.. قسم بحوث مركز الحرب البحرية ..حيث كشف عن انه منظومة NUWC والتي يتم بها تحقيق السيطرة على سلوك الحيوانات المستخدمة عبر زرع جديلة عصبية او واجهة الكترونية تتحكم بها... وتم عرض نتائج للاستشعار عبر الشبكات والحصول على البيانات الدقيقة.. وباستخدام معالج لتفسير القراءات في الوقت الفعلي، ومحفز متعدد القنوات للسيطرة على مراكز الحيوان الخاضع للتجربة... كسمك القرش والقدرة على تحفيزه لانجاز عدة تجارب في البحار والمحيطات المختلفة!!!!
وقد ركزت البحوث المنظمات العسكرية مؤخرا عن استخدام الحيوانات السايبورج لأغراض تكتيكية مميزة جدا.. ومنها ما عرضناه من الحشرات السايبورج لنقل البيانات من أجهزة الاستشعار التي تم زرعها في الحشرات أثناء طور العذراء... ويتم السيطرة تماما على الحشرة من نظام مايكرو كهروميكانيكي يسمى "ميمز" Micro-Electro-Mechanical System (MEMS)، ويمكن مسح تصور المكان المستهدف أو الكشف عن المتفجرات اوالغاز او حتى نقل اوبئة والتجسس بصورة تامة.. وهي نفس الطريقة التي اتبعت للسيطرة عن بعد بأسماك القرش... للتجسس والهجوم وتتبع حركة سفن العدو أو اي متفجرات تحت الماء...
وحتى في نفس العام 2006، قام الباحثين في جامعة كورنيل Cornell University بزرع هياكل اصطناعية في الحشرات خلال مراحل تحولها... وقد أدى النجاح المبهر لتلك التقنيات في إنشاء برنامج يسمى الهجين للحشرات Hybrid-Insect-MEMS, HI-MEMS ..ومختصره هاي ممس...
وفي عام 2009 أظهر الباحثون تطوير كبير لهذا البرنامج والتحكم عن بعد شمل حشرات مثل الخنفساء والصرصور والعث واليعسوب والنحل والجرذان والحمام... كما استخدم تدريب حاسة الشم لدى النحل لتحديد موقع الألغام وأسلحة الدمار الشامل...
ويتم العمل على تطويرالتكنولوجيات الخاصة ببرنامج هاي ميمز على قدم لوجود العديد من القدرات الروبوتية بتكلفة منخفضة جدا وامكانيات هائلة للتخفي مما يؤثر على تطوير نظم الدفاع الذاتي في المستقبل. وخاصة بالنظر للكفاءة المجتمعة من تخزين الطاقة الكيميائية الحيوية (الدهون) والمحرك الحيوي (العضلات) في الكائنات الحية المستخدمة مقابل تخزين الطاقة الكيميائية التقليدية (البطارية) والمحركات (محركات) في الروبوتات الكاملة...
وفيما يلي روابط بضعة مشاريع قائمة لداربا متعلقة بهذا الموضوع تستحق المشاهدة...
فيديو مختصر لانجازات داربا في 50 عام
روابط هامة لمشاريع متعلقة لداربا
EATR – DARPA’s Energetically Autonomous Tactical Robot
Project to develop a robotic platform able to perform long missions while refueling itself by foraging.
• You Can’t Hide From DARPA
Harnessing Infrastructure for Building Reconnaissance (HIBR).
• Squishy SquishBot ChemBots By DARPA
ChemBots are soft, flexible robots that are able to alter their shape to squeeze through small openings and then regain their full size.
• Fracture Putty For Compound Fractures – DARPA
An alternative to today’s standard treatments, which often lead to further complications, and are not fully load-bearing,
• Submersible Aircraft – DARPA’s Flying Sub?
The minimal required airborne tactical radius of the sub-plane is 1000 nautical miles (nm).
• MAHEM Metal Jets Like Clarke’s Stiletto Beam
Create compressed magnetic flux generator (CMFG)-driven magneto hydrodynamically formed metal jets and self-forging penetrators (SFP).
• Silent Talk ‘Telepathy’ For Soldiers
‘…allow user-to-user communication on the battlefield without the use of vocalized speech through analysis of neural signals.’
• TASC – DARPA’s Psychohistory
The agency is seeking whitepapers to fuel the development of a scientific approach to predicting the actions of large masses of people.
• Guided Bullets By Exacto From DARPA
How is it possible that a bullet could redirect its own course in mid-flight?
• DARPA Seeks Self-Repairing Hunter-Killers?
Tests to date have seen small aerial robots lose large chunks of themselves to hostile fire, yet carry on with their mission.
• DARPA Gandalf Project
A new defense department project to locate enemies precisely, and target them, by phone.
• Precision Urban Hopper Robot Must ‘Stick’ Landings
Intended to give wheeled robots an additional edge; the ability to jump up onto or over obstacles up to nine meters high.
• Katana Mono-Wing Rotorcraft Nano Air Vehicle
The Katana Mono-Wing Rotorcraft is a coin-sized one-bladed helicopter.
• RISE Robot: Six-Legged BIODYNOTICS Runaway
These Robots In Sensorial Environments are being developed by researchers from Carnegie Mellon.
• DARPA Vulture Five Year Flying Wing
Vulture is intended to fly for periods of up to five years unattended at 65,000 feet.
• LSTAT-lite Life Support For Trauma and Transport-lite Demoed
LSTAT has been around since 1999; however, the LSTAT-lite is considerably lighter and more affordable.
• LANdroid WiFi Robots
DARPA is soliciting proposals for intelligent autonomous radio relay nodes.
• Micro Imagers For Sensing On Nano Air Vehicles
With the impetus toward micro-air and -ground vehicles for military applications, there is a compelling need for imaging micro-sensors compatible with these small platforms.
• RESURRECT High-Fidelity Computer Battlefield Simulations
Create high-fidelity computer simulations of in-theatre events for tactical, operational and strategic review
• Aqua Sciences Water From Atmospheric Moisture
The program focused on creating water from the atmosphere using low-energy systems.
• Shape-Shifting Bomber In Need Of Plowsharing
Shape-shifting supersonic bomber fans are feeling bereft this weekend.
• Automated Mammalian Training Devices
The development of an automated mammalian training device would significantly reduce the need for human involvement.
• HI-MEMS: Control Circuits Embedded In Pupal Stage Successfully
Researchers have succeeded in implanting electronic circuit probes into tobacco hornworms as early pupae.
• HI-MEMS: Cyborg Beetle Microsystem
The University of Michigan team has successfully created a cyborg unicorn beetle microsystem.
• Carnegie Mellon’s Boss Wins DARPA Urban Challenge
Carnegie Mellon’s Boss, an autonomous Chevy Tahoe, was declared the winner.
• 2007 DARPA Urban Challenge Videos
The teams will attempt to complete a complex 60-mile urban course with live traffic in less than six hours. Now, the videos.
• DARPA Wants Exoskeletons
DARPA thinkers are saying that maybe humans themselves need an upgrade.
• IR Chemical Communication Graffiti Tags Wanted By DARPA
The Chemical Communications (ChemComm) program objective is to encode and transmit information in a rapid and covert manner.
• Hybrid Insect MEMS Sought By DARPA For Bug Army
HI-MEM-based bug armies? Our friends at DARPA seem to have cyborgs on the brain.
• DARPA Wants Exoskeletons
In a briefing today on GovExec.com, a variety of projects from DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) demonstrate that some science fiction thinking is good.
• Shark Cyborgs On DARPA Remote control
In those Jaws movies, the shark seemed like it was out to get you. DARPA makes this dream come true.
• Bradbury’s Mechanical Hound and DARPA’s BigDog Robot
In his chilling 1953 novel Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury created the mechanical hound, a robot that accompanied the firemen and helped with their work… DARPA has made a multi-million dollar investment in the soldier of the future’s best friend – BigDog.
• DARPA Seeks Metabolic Dominance
DARPA has initiated a new program called “Metabolic Dominance” to assure that soldiers have superior physiological qualities. Frank Herbert had the answer sooner, though.
• DARPA’s Walrus and Griffith’s War-Balloons
Not your great-grandfather’s airship, the Walrus will be able to lift a fighting force.
• DARPA’s Radiation Decontamination (And ‘Doc’ Smith’s Dekon)
DARPA and a host of scientists are working on decontamination techniques for dirty bombs.
• Obtaining Unobtainium at DARPAtech 2004
DARPA searches for impossible materials – unobtainium – and is succeeding.
• Springtail EFV-4B Personal Air Vehicle From Trek Aerospace
The Springtail EFV-4B Personal Air Vehicle (PAV) is a fourth-generation vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) craft powered by a single engine.
• Trauma Pod Battlefield Medical Treatment System
DARPA has awarded a $12 million contract to develop an automated medical treatment system that can recieve, assess and stabilize wounded soldiers immediately following injury. The trauma pod is used to treat soldiers on the battlefield using advanced
• Cormorant Submarine/Sea Launched MPUAV
The Cormorant submarine and sea launched vehicle concept may remind you of science fiction glories past.
• Terminator Tether – EDT Solution To Space Debris Update
Studies have shown that low Earth orbit is not a limitless resource and should be managed more carefully. Some sort of debris-mitigation measures are needed to solve the problem of old, unusable satellites and space junk.
• HELLADS: Lightweight Laser Cannon
Ultra-light High Energy Liquid Lasers are coming.
• DARPA’s ‘BigDog’ Robot Now In Puppy Stage
Project seeks to create algorithms that help multi-legged platforms learn to walk in varied terrain.
• DARPA Urban Challenge – KITT
Autonomous ground vehicles will take to a mocked-up urban area to negotiate a 60-mile course.
• Star Wars Binoculars A Cognitive Technology Threat Warning
They’ve dubbed the device “Luke’s Binoculars,” after the device used by Luke Skywalker in the original Star Wars movie.
• DARPA Radar Scope Can Sense Thru Walls
Handheld radar scope can provide troops with an ability that was formerly the province of science fictional superheroes alone.
• BigDog Quadruped Robot Update
Good progress on Ray Bradbury’s mechanical hound from Fahrenheit 451.
Project to develop a robotic platform able to perform long missions while refueling itself by foraging.
• You Can’t Hide From DARPA
Harnessing Infrastructure for Building Reconnaissance (HIBR).
• Squishy SquishBot ChemBots By DARPA
ChemBots are soft, flexible robots that are able to alter their shape to squeeze through small openings and then regain their full size.
• Fracture Putty For Compound Fractures – DARPA
An alternative to today’s standard treatments, which often lead to further complications, and are not fully load-bearing,
• Submersible Aircraft – DARPA’s Flying Sub?
The minimal required airborne tactical radius of the sub-plane is 1000 nautical miles (nm).
• MAHEM Metal Jets Like Clarke’s Stiletto Beam
Create compressed magnetic flux generator (CMFG)-driven magneto hydrodynamically formed metal jets and self-forging penetrators (SFP).
• Silent Talk ‘Telepathy’ For Soldiers
‘…allow user-to-user communication on the battlefield without the use of vocalized speech through analysis of neural signals.’
• TASC – DARPA’s Psychohistory
The agency is seeking whitepapers to fuel the development of a scientific approach to predicting the actions of large masses of people.
• Guided Bullets By Exacto From DARPA
How is it possible that a bullet could redirect its own course in mid-flight?
• DARPA Seeks Self-Repairing Hunter-Killers?
Tests to date have seen small aerial robots lose large chunks of themselves to hostile fire, yet carry on with their mission.
• DARPA Gandalf Project
A new defense department project to locate enemies precisely, and target them, by phone.
• Precision Urban Hopper Robot Must ‘Stick’ Landings
Intended to give wheeled robots an additional edge; the ability to jump up onto or over obstacles up to nine meters high.
• Katana Mono-Wing Rotorcraft Nano Air Vehicle
The Katana Mono-Wing Rotorcraft is a coin-sized one-bladed helicopter.
• RISE Robot: Six-Legged BIODYNOTICS Runaway
These Robots In Sensorial Environments are being developed by researchers from Carnegie Mellon.
• DARPA Vulture Five Year Flying Wing
Vulture is intended to fly for periods of up to five years unattended at 65,000 feet.
• LSTAT-lite Life Support For Trauma and Transport-lite Demoed
LSTAT has been around since 1999; however, the LSTAT-lite is considerably lighter and more affordable.
• LANdroid WiFi Robots
DARPA is soliciting proposals for intelligent autonomous radio relay nodes.
• Micro Imagers For Sensing On Nano Air Vehicles
With the impetus toward micro-air and -ground vehicles for military applications, there is a compelling need for imaging micro-sensors compatible with these small platforms.
• RESURRECT High-Fidelity Computer Battlefield Simulations
Create high-fidelity computer simulations of in-theatre events for tactical, operational and strategic review
• Aqua Sciences Water From Atmospheric Moisture
The program focused on creating water from the atmosphere using low-energy systems.
• Shape-Shifting Bomber In Need Of Plowsharing
Shape-shifting supersonic bomber fans are feeling bereft this weekend.
• Automated Mammalian Training Devices
The development of an automated mammalian training device would significantly reduce the need for human involvement.
• HI-MEMS: Control Circuits Embedded In Pupal Stage Successfully
Researchers have succeeded in implanting electronic circuit probes into tobacco hornworms as early pupae.
• HI-MEMS: Cyborg Beetle Microsystem
The University of Michigan team has successfully created a cyborg unicorn beetle microsystem.
• Carnegie Mellon’s Boss Wins DARPA Urban Challenge
Carnegie Mellon’s Boss, an autonomous Chevy Tahoe, was declared the winner.
• 2007 DARPA Urban Challenge Videos
The teams will attempt to complete a complex 60-mile urban course with live traffic in less than six hours. Now, the videos.
• DARPA Wants Exoskeletons
DARPA thinkers are saying that maybe humans themselves need an upgrade.
• IR Chemical Communication Graffiti Tags Wanted By DARPA
The Chemical Communications (ChemComm) program objective is to encode and transmit information in a rapid and covert manner.
• Hybrid Insect MEMS Sought By DARPA For Bug Army
HI-MEM-based bug armies? Our friends at DARPA seem to have cyborgs on the brain.
• DARPA Wants Exoskeletons
In a briefing today on GovExec.com, a variety of projects from DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) demonstrate that some science fiction thinking is good.
• Shark Cyborgs On DARPA Remote control
In those Jaws movies, the shark seemed like it was out to get you. DARPA makes this dream come true.
• Bradbury’s Mechanical Hound and DARPA’s BigDog Robot
In his chilling 1953 novel Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury created the mechanical hound, a robot that accompanied the firemen and helped with their work… DARPA has made a multi-million dollar investment in the soldier of the future’s best friend – BigDog.
• DARPA Seeks Metabolic Dominance
DARPA has initiated a new program called “Metabolic Dominance” to assure that soldiers have superior physiological qualities. Frank Herbert had the answer sooner, though.
• DARPA’s Walrus and Griffith’s War-Balloons
Not your great-grandfather’s airship, the Walrus will be able to lift a fighting force.
• DARPA’s Radiation Decontamination (And ‘Doc’ Smith’s Dekon)
DARPA and a host of scientists are working on decontamination techniques for dirty bombs.
• Obtaining Unobtainium at DARPAtech 2004
DARPA searches for impossible materials – unobtainium – and is succeeding.
• Springtail EFV-4B Personal Air Vehicle From Trek Aerospace
The Springtail EFV-4B Personal Air Vehicle (PAV) is a fourth-generation vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) craft powered by a single engine.
• Trauma Pod Battlefield Medical Treatment System
DARPA has awarded a $12 million contract to develop an automated medical treatment system that can recieve, assess and stabilize wounded soldiers immediately following injury. The trauma pod is used to treat soldiers on the battlefield using advanced
• Cormorant Submarine/Sea Launched MPUAV
The Cormorant submarine and sea launched vehicle concept may remind you of science fiction glories past.
• Terminator Tether – EDT Solution To Space Debris Update
Studies have shown that low Earth orbit is not a limitless resource and should be managed more carefully. Some sort of debris-mitigation measures are needed to solve the problem of old, unusable satellites and space junk.
• HELLADS: Lightweight Laser Cannon
Ultra-light High Energy Liquid Lasers are coming.
• DARPA’s ‘BigDog’ Robot Now In Puppy Stage
Project seeks to create algorithms that help multi-legged platforms learn to walk in varied terrain.
• DARPA Urban Challenge – KITT
Autonomous ground vehicles will take to a mocked-up urban area to negotiate a 60-mile course.
• Star Wars Binoculars A Cognitive Technology Threat Warning
They’ve dubbed the device “Luke’s Binoculars,” after the device used by Luke Skywalker in the original Star Wars movie.
• DARPA Radar Scope Can Sense Thru Walls
Handheld radar scope can provide troops with an ability that was formerly the province of science fictional superheroes alone.
• BigDog Quadruped Robot Update
Good progress on Ray Bradbury’s mechanical hound from Fahrenheit 451.
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