V-moda unveils Vamp Verza: a dockable, device-agnostic headphone amp and DAC for mobile audiophiles
Last we heard from V-moda, the company was appealing to audiophile sensibilities with its $300 Crossfade M-100 portable headphones. Conti...
جرين زونر مصر كل مايخص اخبار الطب والصحة والتغذية والعلاج بالطاقة الحرة والطبخ وتنمية المجتمع والتكنولوجيا والعلوم والاختراعات والزراعة والبيئة الخضراء وردع الماسونية
Last we heard from V-moda, the company was appealing to audiophile sensibilities with its $300 Crossfade M-100 portable headphones. Conti...
Feel that? If you're an audio purist, the sensation of your wallet tingling is probably a familiar...