وصف الاختراع : تم الكشف عن نموذج أولي (prototype) لهاتف ذكي من الخيزران، وأطلق على هذا الهاتف اسم (ADzero)، وتتميز شاشة هذا الهاتف بأنها ...
Axio returns as Melon, an EEG headband that'll help you learn to focus
The quantified self movement's gaining steam, with companies creating all sorts of gadgets to track our activity levels, sleeping habit...
OUYA console gets torn down, found to be highly repairable
Now that OUYA consoles are shipping out to the masses, the folks at iFixit were able to grab a box and immediately undo all of the precio...
Insert Coin: $250 Casetop turns your smartphone into a laptop
In Insert Coin, we look at an exciting new tech project that requires funding before it can hit production. If you'd like to pitch a p...
Siva Cycle Atom bike-powered battery charger eyes-on
It was just about a week ago that we first told you about Siva Cycle's Atom, a pedal-powered battery charger that's currently takin...
MiiPC يقدم مؤيدو ضعف الذاكرة بمبلغ 15 دولار، ويلقي في هيئة التصنيع العسكري مجاناً
مع أسبوع تركت في حملة Kickstarter ناجح فعلا (تقترب من ثلاثة إضعاف هدفها دولار 50,000 الأولية )، تعطي صانعي مييبك الداعمين...
Insert Coin: Dash charts your car data live, with gauges and a dashcam
In Insert Coin, we look at an exciting new tech project that requires funding before it can hit production. If you'd like to pitch a ...
Insert Coin: MiiPC promises a kid-safe Android PC that allows surfing, gaming for $99 (video)
In Insert Coin, we look at an exciting new tech project that requires funding before it can hit production. If you'd like to pitch a p...
GameStick shipping dev units this month, marks progress on controller, SDK and UI
Things seem to be rolling along nicely for Kickstarter success story, GameStick. The makers of the compact Android console will be shippi...
Oculus Rift won't come bundled with Doom 3, credit or refund offered instead
This news is likely to be a bit disappointing to some Oculus Rift backers. Project supporters were set to be rewarded with a copy of Doom ...
Elroy is smarter than your average Bluetooth earbuds
Tangled earbuds may pass as artwork in Portland(ia), but in real life, they're nothing short of an irritating mess. Fortunately, that...
Thermodo unveils a mercury-free way to measure air temperature on your smartphone
If you're the type to eschew the weather report on your smartphone and just, you know, open the window instead, the Thermodo sensor a...
Insert Coin: Epiphany One Puck uses heat transfer to charge your phone
In Insert Coin, we look at an exciting new tech project that requires funding before it can hit production. If you'd like to pitch a p...
Lynx A 3D camera hits Kickstarter, ready to motion capture your donations
Every time we write up a 3D printer, we get a deluge of folks asking just how easy it is to render a 3D model. The answer is, unless you...
GameStick يكشف النهائي الداعم التصميم بمساعدة، قفص الاتهام للأجهزة الطرفية
والآن بعد أن تم وحدة التحكم لعبة الروبوت تعمل بالطاقة على عصا ، GameStick ، ممولة بالكامل ( أكثر من خمس مرات )، وآخر قطعة من اللغز هو...
Insert Coin: DeltaMaker fuses razzle-dazzle with 3D-printing
In Insert Coin, we look at an exciting new tech project that requires funding before it can hit production. If you'd like to pitch a p...