Big Jambox 2.0 update brings extended battery life, new AAC support for iOS 6.1
If you thought $300 was a lot of money to drop on the Big Jambox, Jawbone has just released an update that might make that amount a litt...
جرين زونر مصر كل مايخص اخبار الطب والصحة والتغذية والعلاج بالطاقة الحرة والطبخ وتنمية المجتمع والتكنولوجيا والعلوم والاختراعات والزراعة والبيئة الخضراء وردع الماسونية
If you thought $300 was a lot of money to drop on the Big Jambox, Jawbone has just released an update that might make that amount a litt...